Critical Lift Planning Training

Critical lift planning training has been a huge success for many ITI clients and has filled a gap that was not previously served by the industry. As loads and modules get bigger and heavier ("modularization") corporate clients have been investing in this sort of education so that they have trained lift planners and lift directors in-house to conduct or better oversee contractor's efforts.

The Critical Lift Planning course highlights the data, assignments, and procedures that the Lift Director must manage. Critical lift planning training at ITI is very intense. This course provides participants with the knowledge and the skill necessary to properly develop and execute a critical lift plan using load equipment as described in ASME B30.


Course Subjects

  • Load Affirmation

  • Work Site Approval

  • Crane Verification

  • Load Travel Path / Personnel Placement

  • Rigging Confirmation

  • Load Handling Sequence & Procedures

  • Pre-Lift Checklist

  • Load Schematic / Rigging Method

  • Applicable Federal, State, and Provincial Regulations & Standards

Find out more about Critical Lift Planning Training at ITI.